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2013-2014 Golf State Tournament Qualifiers
Qualifiers for the 2013-2014 Golf State Tournament have been posted.
Basketball Ticket Sales to be Delayed
General public ticket sales for the 2015 UIL Basketball State Championships will be postponed briefly while the UIL considers options for the dates and locations of the boys and girls basketball state championships. The UIL is considering the best possible solution to the difficulties with availability and affordability of hotels caused by concurrent events, as well as other event-related issues, and will be making a decision as soon as possible. The League wants to provide the best state championship experience for student-athletes, coaches and fans involved in these tournaments. Once a final decision has been made, it will be communicated via the UIL website.
UIL Academic State Meet Schedule
State Meet
The TENTATIVE (some rooms/times will likely change) State Meet Academic schedule is now posted. PLEASE NOTE: some coaches meetings are on Monday, May 25, most events will compete on Tuesday, May 26, with finals in speaking events on Wednesday, May 27. This is to accommodate schools with finals and graduation that week.
2014 CX Debate State Tournament Results - 4A, 5A
Conference 4A and 5A State Champions and complete tournament results now posted.
2014 CX Debate State Tournament Results - 1A, 2A, 3A
Conference 1A, 2A and 3A State Champions and complete tournament results now posted.
2014-15 Volleyball Alignments
The 2014-15 Volleyball alignments have been posted on the alignments page.
Alignments for other activities will follow in the next few weeks.
Football News & Information
See attached document for 2014-15 football news and information on the following topics:
- Renaming of playing weeks
- 5A & 6A sub-varsity games during Week 1
- 40 Second Clock
- Spring Training
- Teams Advancing to the Playoffs, 2014-15
2014 Golf State Championships - Date Change
In an attempt to avoid a possible conflict with the UIL golf state championships and regional academic competition, the UIL has announced it is changing the dates of its 1A and 2A golf state tournaments.
Originally scheduled for Thursday, May 1 and Friday, May 2 in Austin, the new dates for the 1A and 2A state championships are now Wednesday, April 30 and Thursday, May 1. The sites, 1A at Lions Golf Course and 2A at Roy Kizer Golf Course, remain unchanged.
The dates for the 5A, 4A and 3A state championships also remain unchanged.
The new schedule for the 2014 UIL Golf State Championships are as follow:
April 28-29
5A - Onion Creek Club
4A - The University of Texas Golf Club
3A - Hyatt Lost Pines Golf Resort
April 30-May 1
2A - Roy Kizer Golf Course
1A - Lions Golf Course